ICMA XXII in Dubai - Call for Papers

Posted: February 01 2023

The Twenty Second International Congress of Maritime Arbitrators (ICMA XXII) will take place in Dubai, U.A.E. 5 - 10 November 2023. 

Proposals to present papers at ICMA XXII are accordingly now invited.  See below a list of suggested categories of topics. However, papers on any subject matter relevant to the practice of maritime law and maritime arbitration, of either a procedural or substantive nature, are welcome.

Click on the following link for more details:  ICMA XXII DUBAI - Call for Papers

1. Contemporary shipping issues including new technologies, new regulation, new standard forms, sanctions
2. Procedural maritime arbitration issues
3. Contractual / charterparty issues
4. Bill of lading and cargo issues
5. Commodities and sale of goods contracts issues
6. Ship sale and purchase, related finance, shipbuilding issues
7. Offshore contracts and related matters
8. Insurance issues
9. Contemporary national maritime arbitration matters
10. Other

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